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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hey guys!

I'm at Sheryl's house now, with Ashley and Maxene. (: MSN is being annoying and refuses to let me sign in. Sheryl and Ashley are being retarded because they are counting the number of stuffed toys Sheryl has. -_- Maxene is just... Stoning.

Oh ya! Ash, Max and I put on coloured hair extension highlight thingys. I got pink, they both got purple. I think i look retarded. I want to go overseas now. I'm annoyed with MSN. ): Everybody's being very stone-y now. Hee.

Okay now we're all webcamming with Bel. (: Video Call!

I can't express how much i love Sheryl. --> (Okay written by Sheryl, obviously. I'll leave it there to make her happy.)

1:01 AM

Friday, May 29, 2009

There was Founder's Day celebrations today and i thought it was really good. I really love IJ. Like, IJ has this special bond that no other schools have. Even ex-IJ girls from waaay back came back for mass today. When we were singing the school song and stuff, i like started tearing cos i was so happy to be an IJ girl, and so proud to be one as well. Then i started thinking about how at the end of this year 2/1 will be broken up. Like even though we may not be that bonded, but there's still that attachment to one another. Hope we'll start bonding and caring more about one another because we only have half a year more left, and we've already wasted the other half of this year. See you guys in one month k!

So after mass, i went out for lunch with Nut, Bel and Nic. Haven't really gone out with these guys for so long, glad i finally got the time to be with them. We had a good talk, told them about everything that was going on in my life; the happy, the not-happy. I'm really thankful for them because they're always there to listen to my problems, to cheer me up and stuff. And we are all sort of stuck in somewhat similar situations and have the same thoughts about some things... So yeah, i guess it's easier to relate to one another's problems like that? Mhm. I guess they're the ones i can really rely and depend on. Love you guys!

So after lunch today, met up with Yenny and Amelia, and since we were such losers with no plans of going out with our friends on the last day of school to celebrate, we decided to go explore the Circle Line. Yeah kinda lame buuut, it was cool! I like new places.

Haha, then there was this guy at the Circle Line place there, as in, working there. Then he just suddenly said hi to me and talked to me about the holidays and stuff... Then he wished me happy holidays. How nice. (:

All these small little things that happened today really made my day.

2:05 PM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Whoowhoo poopoo.

Britney Spears - If You Seek Amy -

just dance.mp3 - Lady Gaga

Okay those songs are stuck in my head now.

(KIMBERLY LEE IS BEING MEAN, SHE BULLY ME! She call me noob. And that i have no common sense. Okay la maybe true, buuut. Wdv!)

Yay had games day today, forcibly made to play GS. ): Good job 2/1, i'm so proud of yall!!! We did really well this year so i'm happy for us!

I'm so freaking tired now! Esp from Dance yesterday, netball today and then Dance again after. Omgoodness i puked like three times. Okay not really puke but, you know, like puke a little then swallow it back in. Yuck, but yep. Hee.

I'm black now, and sunburnt. ): My nose and cheeks kinda pain. And my arms got that tingly feeling when you hit it! Poopz. Nvm, it was worth it cos it was really fun playing! Now i have the sudden urge to play netball. Oh wells. Dance was fun too! And tiring... Dancing in the ISH is like hot to the max can! My head was like spinning and like yeah...

Eh btw guys, i've got a bad muscle ache at the weirdest place ever. My neck! ^^ Dunno what i do man. Haha. I bet tomorrow morning i'll have muscle aches all over, so much that i can't even get out of bed. Sianz. The weather's really hot now guys, it's like mad. Being in my small stuffy classroom already makes me sweat one lor. Can you imagine how hot it'll be in like, three months? Or even next year? I think i'll like die of heatstroke on the streets or something.

I'm really smelly and sweaty and sticky now. ): It's so ew. I need to fart. And im hungry. My cousin's eating Chicken Cutlet now and the stupid niceee smell refuses to get out of my nostrils.

Oh yes, i really like our class shirt! It's so cuuute! (:

Oh yes, my sisters, my momma, my auntie and i are like currently very obsessed with Boys Before Flowers. Every night we all gather in front of the tv and watch together!!! Seriously it's a really good show (and the guys are hot) so everybody please watch it if you haven't. (:
I LOVE GU JUN PYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes, my dad shifted the really gigantic tv that used to be in my living room into my room now. So whenever i watch tv in my room, the screen is so big that i feel like im going into the tv. (:

Love you all, saranghae!

7:41 PM

Friday, May 22, 2009


Hi babe I gave you 14 hugs today on your 14th birthday! (: Anwz, glad we got closer this year. Dont be sad k, idk why nowadays you always look very sad. ): So dont be sad cos im always here for you (like how you always are for me). Miss you, See you, Love you! :D


Aw man, im already starting to miss IJ Fiesta. ):

Yesterday's practice was really fun! Hee. I know i got damn high omgoodness. Running in and out of the hall over and over again till we got it right, coming up with funny actions for the song, sitting down and going high over Dont Forget The Lyrics, going for Ward D34TH and being retarded. -_- And Marcella and i were being nuts, singing SuJu's Sorry Sorry over and over again. Sighhh, really miss it! No more practices like that anymore.

I kind of stink now, but its not the sweaty kind of smell. I have no idea what it is. I think my hands smell like flour thanks to Petrina Chia. My hair smells kinda gross too i think. Although i kinda washed it like mad in school. Okay i have a sudden urge to bathe now.

IJ Fiesta was fun omg! First part was kinda zzz cos i was tired and sleepy and ): cos people were laughing at me during the Fiesta Song performance. Embarrassing one leh! Yeah then i just sat down to stone and stuff and didnt even spend anything. -_- Then i realised i was seriously wasting my time sooo went to play play walk walk around. Yay fun! But the weather damn hot man. I think i burnt my feet by jumping in Dino Land. (HAHAHA shit the scene of Peck Yi Ning falling down at the Human Bullseye suddenly came into my head, damn funny)

Im sunburnt. I dont know why. My cheeks are suddenly pain.

Oh ya idk why im so tired and my legs are damn sore. ): I totally stoned in school after fiesta for like at least 2 hours cos idk. Yep, my sis, wenjin and I took 30 mins to walk from school to tp interchange! They kept teasing me about the way i walked. Sad one lor. But it was damn funny haha.

Met my other sis at TP. She went to Popular and me and nic stoned outside cos i couldnt walk any further. Yenny and I had a fun time trying to scare each other saying "OMG *points*. Its a boy." and stuff like that. Haha damn retarded omgosh. Especially when we saw this girl in BUZZ, laughed like (!!!). Showed Val too. (: They two bullied me by not caring about my physical disabilities and running away and laughing, leaving me behind, struggling to catch up. ):

OKAY BYE. Im going to stone on my bed NOW.

9:35 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wowza. Exam results are out. Whoopee.

Im getting better marks in the subjects that arent as important rather than those which are more important. And like, wth, i did better in Hist than Geog?! How is that freaking possible? I seriously thought i would do quite well for Geog one lor. I was hoping an A, but no. ): Sad.

Everyones so freakass-ish-ly smart, it doesnt even matter if i even get like an A now cos everyones getting an A. Like literally. So now its like comparing who got 90 marks and above, so obviously, yeah i belong to the people that do not get 90 marks and above. At first im like happy i even managed to scrape a freaking A2, then everyone comes compare marks with me and im like, oookay. Then i look at the namelist and see that my A2 only comes in 26th place or something in the class. Everyone is just too freaking smart.

I have no A1s at all, so yeah, im considered stupid. If i manage to get A's for both of my remaining papers, okay. If not, im seriously screwed. I already did so badly, sianz. Ive lost hope even in my Math man, hopefully i dont get a B.

Rah whatever. Whats done cannot be undone.

7:38 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009


My younger sister was asking me, "Why does kick the bucket mean die leh?". So i was like, "Then why does hit the sack mean sleep?". She smartly replied, "Oh cos when you hit the sack, you become dizzy and then you fall asleep."

Zzz, goodness. -_-

K, Oyasumi Nasai. Anyong.

10:36 PM



Luv you 4eva, xoxo.


Dong Hae, Hyun Kyuk, Sung Min, Eun Hyuk, Kang In

8:34 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

WHOO! Some major shopping spree at Face Shop today hahaha.
And had Pizza Hut for lunch with my family today.
Omg i feel really hungry now.
But nvm i got chips at home.
Omg i think im getting high! *spazzo*
Yay, happy day!

My love for Ikuta Toma has deepened;
My love for Tae Yang has deepened;
My love for Akanishi Jin has deepened.

Anyong guys, Saranghae~!
Imma happy girlie today

10:55 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wow. Exams are over. Yay, how awesome. (Not really)

I should totally be celebrating and overcome with joy and happiness, but im feeling real zzz instead. Idk. I feel so aimless, like i dont know what to do. Ive done all that i wanted (except the real impossible things like meeting Big Bang or KAT-TUN), so theres nothing left to do now. I want to just sleep at home everyday and stone and rot on my bed. But thats damn loser, and i dont wanna live such a boring life.

But life is becoming less and less interesting. Like nothing theres nothing new; as in the computer is getting boring, facebook is getting boring, tv shows are getting boring, even boredom is getting boring. Idk its like everyday you do the same thing over and over again. Its damn sian and im so tired of it. But theres nothing else i can do omg. Ugh, i think i prefer the exam period to now. I was occupied with so many things then and there was never a time when i had nothing to do. I didnt have to think so hard about what to do then.



You really piss me off nowadays.
Like hello? Its not my freaking fault. Seriously.

The reason why i even told you about it was that i was hoping you would at least say something to try and comfort me? But no, you just had to make it seem as if everything was my fault. Its not that my instructions/actions werent clear. Even if they were, what use would it be if that person isnt even willing to listen? Like what can i do about it? Nothing. I cant force that person to do what i say, even if its something simple. So why are you blaming me? Nuts.

You make it seem as if i dont care and stuff like that. But ask yourself first, do you even care? You dont even bother trying to find out anything. I try to spend time with you and want to let you know whats happening around me and stuff, but do you even listen? Whenever i try to tell you something or talk to you casually, you just find something to lecture me about. Okay ya, i do deserve to be scolded sometimes, but does it have to be all the time? Like almost everyday man, gosh. Even if im not tired of it, arent you?

Forget it man.

(Moodswing? First youre pissed, and then you act as if nothing happened. Never mind.)



Omgoodness, especially in 17 Again omg. The whole cinema was filled with IJ Girls, but probably only to check out Zac. Hot hot hot baby! :O Srsly, go watch the show. Its nice, not cos of Zac (okay yes hes partly the reason), but it was sad and touching. ): I LOVE ZAC EFRON. Watch him can get high one. I was totally squealing and feeling hot because of him. Ahh, swoon~.

I wanna go out everyday, but i have no money to have such a good life. ):
And i dont wanna take money from my parents. Oh wells.
Its already so boring now, imagine how itll be when the holidays come.
To all the people with good lives, having so much to do everyday and having such awesome people to spend time with, lucky for yall.
Wish i could be that way too.


She damn loser, heard she peed in her pants today.

And G-Dragon is getting hotter and hotter. Starting from today i will seriously immerse myself into Jap/Kor fandom.

Thurs - Stay back/Lunch with SBC (HAHA)
Fri - Roller-blading + Shopping with SBC
Sat - Sentosa (?)
For now - Join mommy in Karaoke!!!

Cheerios, guys.

7:14 PM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today is seriously such a piss off day.
I want to cry. ):

Random stuff:
  1. Today was kinda fun(ny). Haha. Love Kim, Pet, Peck, FY, Gabby and my sis!
  2. Im going out for almost the whole week guys! (But D _ _ _ _ doesnt seem too happy about it. Sianz.)
  3. Idk why but i feel very sad. Im sad about nothing though. I think i have nothing to be sad about. Dunno. Zzz.
  4. I feel like going to a pasar malam.
  5. My stomach has been behaving weirdly for the past idk how many days. I think i have stomach cancer.
  6. I want to buy a new lanyard.
  7. I want a nice plushie keychain thingy for my phone.
  8. My phone and wallet is bombarded with stickers (!!!)
  9. I want to go roller-blading.
  10. I need a hug now.

We need a clique name, guys.

Peeaazz Out. (Last paper tmr! :O )

8:16 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009

Luv Kim and Pet


7:37 PM

Haha the pic damn embarrassing.

Hi Mom! :O

I know you wont be reading this cos i dont even think you know i have a blog. But wadevs, in case you find it one day and then feel sad i didnt have a mother's day post for you. ): Anw, thanks for being such an awesome momma. I think youre really cool and hip and funky and ya. HAHA. I know you find me very funny. ^^ (Btw mommy ah, i dont have a pic with you leh! Sad.)

Love you, muah! (K)



Freaks baby. Oh my shits!


12:37 AM

Heya! ♥





I love my Baby Tae (:
♥ ♥ ♥

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Mandy Baby!
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Shari Awesomez
Wyonna ^-^
Yenniez, Oh My Hoogles!
Zuhra Cutie

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  • Thanks, buddy!

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