Saturday, January 31, 2009
Fallin Out - Keyshia Cole
"Been sitting thinking bout you and I
And wondering why were not getting along
So frustrated cause, what we had was a happy home
I don't know what the situation is, but I can tell in the way we kiss
We don't talk no more, it feels better when I’m alone
Sometimes I feel like there's no gettin through to you
Like you don't appreciate all that I do
you gotta show me that you want me to stay
Don't turn and walk away
Baby I’m slowly falling out of love with you
I don't know what to do
How did we end up here this way, what are we gonna do
I’m slowly falling out, baby we're tripping off silly things
Boy I need you to meet me half way, if you want me to be with you"
Omg, i love this song.
11:52 PM
YesterdayHi guys. So.
For the whole of yesterday, i couldnt stop hoping for time to pass faster. I couldnt wait to go for dance and for lisa's party. Hee. (: Well, lunched after school and went up to the Dance Studio for self practice. In the end, like only 5 people went la! Like what kind of practice is that?! Zzz. Led warm-ups, used korean songs (Yay-ness). (: Cleaned up steps, rehearsed alot of times, got feedback from RC and the other seniors. Yeah then left at about... 5+? Mhm.
Went to the canteen and rushed Lisa's board/card thingy with Sherx and Bel. Then later Pet came over and... Ya, did what she wanted to. Anyhow stick everything, anyhow write everywhere. But everyone ended up doing it also so nvm haha. (: Left school and walked to the bus stop. Sheryl and Isabel were still busy drawing on the board (haiyoh walk until so slow). So because they walked so slow, i had to walk alone without a partner next to me. ): Oh wells, went to bug fang ying, she was feeling pek cek. =/
Reached Lisa's house and we all (Fang Ying, Sheryl, Isabel, Pet, Shi Pei, Kah Hui and I) just went to the function room, put down our bags and enjoyed the aircon. (: It was damn hot outside la. Then we went to the balcony thingy, and we all stood in one row. I couldnt see how we looked like, but i think our position was damn cool lor. Ordered Lisa to get beehoon for us (the beehoon is like, heavenly!) and then we decided to go down and ya take all the food. Sat at the table next to the pool, talked about stuff and got freaked out over the million birds flying in the sky. It was damn disgusting, yuck.
Cant remember exactly what happened but, it went something along the lines of Sheryl stealing Shi Pei's shoe and then ya not returning it to her. In the end Kah Hui got the shoe back for Shi Pei. It was funny though haha. And then Diandra and Shi Pei got pushed into the pool... Diandra was still in her pinafore and shoes haha. Her shoe was still in the pool when she got out and yeah... And her phone got spoilt cos it was in her pocket. =/ Sheryl and I got scared that we'd get pushed in so we quickly ran to the swings and ya. Then when we were swinging we saw Isabel in the process of being pushed into the pool so we quickly ran over to give a hand. (: We are so helpful. Isabel was like "Eh nono i cant swim!". Then Nut was like "Oh okay, guys, she cant swim!". I immediately went, "NUT, WE JUST WENT SWIMMING WITH HER THAT DAY AT HER HOUSE". Hahaha kena bang!
Bel got out of the pool with this damn super evil/revengeful face. Sheryl and I got freaked out again and ran to the swings. But Lisa's guy friends were on them and so Sheryl and I had to seek refuge in the playground thingy. Then suddenly, Bel and Nut ran over. Sheryl and I screamed damn loudly (I saw Lisa's friend's OMG-damn-loud face) and ran everywhere. Ran till my leg pain and then Pet stopped me and said she'll protect me. Idk where Sheryl disappeared to, then Pet and I sat near the pool and I held onto the lamp post. -_- Ppl attempted to push me in but i said i'd cry so they didnt. Hee, im damn smart! ^^ Sat back with Pet and came up with a plan to hug the pole in front if this huge gang of people came up to me. Well yeah then Lisa and Nut and Pearlyn and i-forgot-who came and dragged me. I started screaming and stuff then this resident came to scold Lisa and I. ): Oopsies. So then when she left, they continued dragging me and I continued holding onto the lamp or chair (I forgot) but everything was like muted. Our mouths were moving but nothing came out. Omg it was damn funny haha! Let go of the chair and got pushed in. ): So much for protecting me Pet, you totally just sat at the side and laughed. -_- Heh, took revenge and helped Lisa and idk who push Pet in. She had her menses haha and it became flooded with water. Okay i want to laugh now cos I suddenly rmbered how Pet looked without her fringe omg hahaha. Stayed in the pool cos it was damn cold outside. ): Bel and Pet ditched me and went idk where. So yeah hang around by myself lor... Then Melissa was like "oh come on our expressway!" and stuff (this whole chain of piggyback) then i was just laughing. Then Wendi was like "eh i very tired i walk in the pool so long ): Aiya just jump onto this person" then she jumped onto me. Had some water fight with Melissa and Cheryl(?) and my contacts were dying ): Asked Wendi, "do you even know who youre on?" "Er... Pq?" Omg lol that was funny. (Edit: Okay nvm, she was just lying, haha.) Got out of the pool to get Bel to swim/play with me then after awhile we got out again. We just sat at the side and Pet came to join us. Talked and laughed and Lisa came to join us.
Then Pet went "eh Kaela how does your hair look like?" "Hair?!" "Ya" and then she proceeded to take of my rubber band and clip. She put the rubber band up her arm and and clipped my clip onto her bra strap. Lisa and i tried to get back my clip and Pet ended up on the floor. She said she'd return my clip if we stopped trying to dig into her shirt. Lisa and I started laughing cos Pet was in this i-just-got-raped position on the floor, omg hahaha. And she didnt return me my clip. >;( Totally bully me lor.
We all left to go get pizza but i didnt eat any. Bel, Pet and I attempted to go heat ourselves in the sauna buttt it was freaky cos Bel saw things... Hung around the table while Lisa's mom was getting ready the cake and stuff. Pet said i smelt like tomato wth. -_- It was the dustbin okay. I bet. I smelt nice... (: Got back my clip and went back to the function room. Sat at the steps with Bel, Pet and Nut and we talked. (: Then, Fang Ying, Shi Pei, Sheryl, Wendi, Kah Hui and i think some other people went home. Stayed on to write on Lisa's shirt and then i had to go. I felt sick in the car but got cured immediately when i reached home and saw the pile of clothes Val bought for me from KL. WHOOPEE!!! :D Happy, thanks Jie! Lurbx Chewz! Bathed and wanted to charge my Ipod. Then, somethin freaky happened. I put the plug in the socket, connected my Ipod and turned on the switch. There was this huge, bright spark and then a black out. Omg it was damn scary my whole room smelt like burnt gas and stuff. Couldnt get the electricity back so woke daddy up and yeah he came to our rescue! :D Went back to my room and immediately slept. :D
TodayWent to school at 9 for History project thingy. When we were done, did Math and, yeah, finished it! YAY! :D Love Math and Mrs Wong. Went to the canteen get my money back from Fang Ying (Sheryl you owe me money hmm hmm) and to wait for Pet. Felt super tired and jus stoned. Then Sheryl came along and totally messed up my hair by typing two weird ponytails. Left for lunch with Sheryl, Pet, Angela, Jamie(sp?), Kim and Alycia(sp?). Had Ban Mian, yumz. And Pet treated me to longan. Thanks. Left after lunch and ya went home and was welcomed by 12 over people in my house omg. Okay theyre gone already and im tired. I shall take a nap. Gtg for dinner later on with Bel, Colin and Jacques. Bye guys!
3:01 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wow. I love Big Bang and KAT-TUN and HSJ and NEWS so much that Val Leong managed to find my blog while googling for those boy bands. -_- Omgoodness. I better be careful. Anwz,
He is damn super freaking hot!Love you lots. (:
9:11 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Had CNY Celebrations in school yesterday. Reached school at about 6.35/6.40? Yeppies, then stayed in the canteen with Anabel and Charmaine. Waited for Pet to come then we went up to the Hall to meet the Blue House peepz. We were the first ones! Wow, so proud of myself. (: After all the blue peepz came, we just... hung around? Cait and Nat were playing with the Pom-Poms.
Caitlin's wonderful Blue Pom-pom afro. (:
Went down for assembly, had mass in the Hall and then we had the CNY House Skit stuff. Everyone seemed so calm and all except Pet and I omgoodness. Shes sca red of the mic. -_- Oh well, the skit went well, alot of people were laughing! They were laughing at stuff that werent funny omg... ESPECIALLY THE "DONG CHIANG" THINGY HAHA OKAY YA NOW I FIND IT FUNNY THAT THEY THINK ITS FUNNY, I WANT TO LAUGH. So, good good. (: In the end, Blue House wonnnn! Wowee, i thought we would've been third or something (not first), so my reaction was to scream damn super loudly. Hee. Good job to the other Houses, i thought yall did really well too! (: (YAY, had sweets and stuff as a reward for winning!)
When the performances were over, I packed my bag and stuff (at the Hall) then waited for Rajali, Pet and Jia. When I reached class, everyone was there already. I w ent back to my seat, sat down, then Mrs Wong said, "Okay, thank you girls!". Lol oops i came back to class too late... Omg, everyone was teasing me about being a Bimbox. ): Took pics with some peeps and then went to Bel's house with Nic, Nut, Julvian and Jo. Had Sotong Balls and Grilled Chicken Wings awaiting us when we reached her house! Yumz, ordered pizza too. (Oh man im feeling reeeaaal hungry now). Watched spongebob and MTV then went down to the pool.
It was damn effing hot! Camwhored, splashed around and decided to go get our swimming costumes because the weather was unbearable. Swam for awhile and Jo went home. Swam sommore, laughed, talked and went back up to wash up and stuff. When we all were done bathing, we decided to watch tv. Then, everyone except Bel fell asleep. So what did she do? Yes, take pictures of us sleeping.

Woke up, tried sleeping again, but couldnt. =/ I was damn hungry, but i didnt feel like eating instant noodles. So Nut, Ju, and Bel cooked for themselves. Okay Bel didnt cook, she would've totally burnt down the whole kitchen. -_- Wanted to go for dinner with Nic, but she had to go to church (to wash oranges haha). Camwhored, alot.

Then, we all left at 7. (: Went to Yishun library with Jie and we met daddy at the foodcourt. Had Jap food! Yumz. Funny convo about Jie deciding what to name her handphone keychain thingy.
Its called Pikko. Hee, cute? (:
Had fun yesterday. Love yall, my friends! (:
6:05 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Whoo whoo had first Danceworks practice today! With H. (:I really wanted to laugh when he came in cos he wore... Idk, like super tight shirt + berms (not baggy ah) way above the knee but not short enough to be shorts + high cut sneakers + shades. I just thought it was funny to see his knees exposed. (: Got used to it after awhile.Haha, H is kinda funny. He made Jia Her read his resume to all of us. Lol. Then he told us expectations and stuff and did warm-ups. Omg his warm-ups totally killed me. I turned red immediately la. I died at the leg-lowering thing. Joanne's i-am-dying expression totally made me laugh and i was like giggling while trying to control my legs. Omg super tiring. All of us made damn funny faces Lol. Hahaha, I want to laugh now. ):Had choreo after warm-ups. I love the choreo man its damn nice! I feel. Haha. But, i cant do the Hip-Hop one. ): THE CONTEMP DAMN NICE HAHAHA. And the, what, Zooza? Haha omg i srsly have no idea what that genre was called Lol. But it was Sanguine-ish. So, we did 3 genres today. We'll decide which to do next week, so in the meanwhile... We all must practice! (: Yay love Dance(rs). (:Finished at 5-ish and went for the Blue House CNY Skit rehearsal. But they were putting up deco so i just sat down and did nothing cos my head was really pain. ): Omg im a Bimbo Ox la wth. And i cant say my lines properly cos stupid Petrina Chia keeps laughing at me. ): Idiot. Sat around while Cait read my book, Charlotte wrote the script, Sarah doing her homework and Amanda putting up deco. Stoned, then Amanda asked me and Cait to go home. But we didnt feel like going home so we asked if they needed help. No, so we decided to stone in the canteen. Stayed there for like a few seconds then went back up again cos i felt bad, might as well help since im not going home. (Cait went home)Sat down with the other Blue house peeps and yeah i was damn tired and started stoning again. (: Charlotte discussed the script with us, and wth i have so many Bimbo lines to say. Omg so embarrassing everyone will laugh at me. ): Then, Charlotte didnt need us anymore, so Pet and I decided to leave and train home.Pet's such an ass she keeps on making me laugh. I couldnt stop laughing and she damn bad la, laugh at me when i hit ppl, also kept making fun of me when i mispronounced stuff and tuff. Idiot. Yepyep, talked and laughed and I abondoned her at Khatib. (: She forced me to save her number as 'I Love Pet :)'. Omg i bet she makes everyone do that. Nvm, shes my Laughing Buddy.
Walked home. Some old man was riding on his bike and he ding-ed his dumb bell and me. I turned and he flashed me this cheekopek smile, then said "Bye bye!" and rode off. Zzz. Weirdo. Came home and ate like 2 plates of rice! Damn hungry... As in just now not now. Id be mad if i was still hungry after eating 2 plates of rice. Okies, gtg help Nat with her blog html code stuffz.(YAY I NO HOMEWORK!)Oh, im starting to love school. Even the lessons.
(Oopsie Poopsie, i gotta make Bimbo Ox horns and remember to bring Bimbo stuff tmr!)
(Shit, my damn speaker not working so the sound is only coming from one speaker now. Sheez.)
8:14 PM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
YesterdayWe had one period with HLS. She was supposed to do some practice/exercise thingy with us, but apparently she hadnt taught us yet. So, she had to rush to teach us how to do it (since her plan for the lesson was to do the exercise). She was trying to squeeze in as much info as she can into that short 35 minutes, but apparently, failed. =/ She was getting so !@$%@ed worked up that we couldnt get it la. Like hello?!?! It was your fault in the first place for not remembering to teach us! Zzz la! To exlpain some simple crap, HLS had to go all chim and beat around the bush. We ask her "Oh, so its (like this)?" and she goes "er, you can do (this)". She didnt even answer the dumb question omg!!! When two words could explain it, she had to use seventy-three million words. Goodness. Her hand writing became more and more illegible as the lesson was ending. Her word turned into a squiggle. Geez. Poo. Then, when the bell rang, she refused to end lessons.
Us: HLS, we have lessons after this.HLS: Who cares what you have after this?!/I dont care what you have after this!
Then, she proceeded with her lesson. As other girls were waiting outside class to come in, they got impatient (waited like 10 mins) and started to, you know, talk a little. Having her PMS (we assumed), HLS walked towards the door and closed it. -_- Zzz. K lor. Want to show temper la...! Rushed for science and prepared to answer "My teacher was being unreasonable" if Mrs Chu asked why we were 15/20 minutes late. Sadly, she didnt. ):Dance auditions after school for the Sec Ones, wanted to go but couldnt, had CNY Blue House skit thingo. Pulled Nat and Cait in it too! (:D) Rushed up to the dance studio after it was done to watch the auditionees. Gosh, the Sec Ones auditioning were totally double the current dance population la! So many! I thought they were fine, but heard from Nat (or someone else) that they were so bad that Miss Wee couldnt even pick 10 (she was supposed to pick 20 actually, from the 106-ish people?). She had a second round to give the girls another chance. Then, watched the SYF-ers practice and went down to the canteen to wait for them to be done. We got smoothies and walked to the interchange together. Hee. (: At the underpass, we all stood in the middle of the underpass and comtemplated whether to go to Su's house for pasta or not. Majority were going, except Nic, Cheryl, Theresa, my sis and I. We all exchanged our hugs and stuff and set off in our separate ways. (: Yay i love dancers, theyre so nice and kind and funny and loving. On the way home, my sis commented that she hopes she'll get into dance. She says "dancers are so nice!" (Duh, she got hugs from the seniors! Haha). Apparently, Miss Wee also smiled at my sis during the auditions.Sis (Nicole): *smile*Miss Wee: *smile* Why so nervous? Relax! *toothy smile*LOL thats really weird.Hope she gets into dance so she can experience why i love dance so much. (:(Dont worry yen, youll get in (: )Today(okay im getting lazy so just point form now)- 2 periods with HLS- She got pissed again cos we were chatting a little, thus, Sheryl and I went on a strike not to reply/talk to/question HLS at all. Sheryl failed when she needed to go pee. ):- Planned to stay back with Nat and Bel to do homework while waiting for Nat's time-to-go-for-my-dental-appointment-already to come, but, helped out with Blue House CNY deco instead, sis helped too- Pet got amused at Nic calling me Meimei and we couldnt stop snickering. >;)- Pet got amused at Nic being called Yenyen/Yennie- Pet amused herself by saying Val would be called EnEn since nice and i are like... Meimei and Yenyen. Zzz...- While cutting deco stuff, Jia and Charlotte had a funny convo and Jia laughed too hard that the canteen seat cover fell off and she fell flat onto the floor and just lay there. She kinda injured her leg i think (and used the high chair as a walking stick).- While hanging deco stuff, Charlotte and Amanda were talking about using big boobs as weapons and Charlotte said that big boobs were no good cos when you knock into a wall IT will get hurt first. Thus, they had a debate on how people walk/how boobs wont get hit first. Lol their actions were damn funny, ask Bel/Nat/Sis. HAHA I STILL WANT TO LAUGH.- Pasted deco and went to canteen cos Bel snuck away ):- Stayed there, went back up to the Hall and packed up (the 'spaghetti')- (Bel and I) Pretended to be pissed at Nic for not looking for us after her SYF when we 'stayed back just to wait for her'. (Its a lie about waiting for her, poo)Okay thats basically it. Danceworks tomorrow! Excited. (: Love dance(rs)! Cant wait. Hope hakim turns up tomorrow. :DBye guys, although i know nobody knows my blog!HEE. Nvm la, entertain myself abit. (:(OMG HAHAHHA MY SISTER JUST SPILLED THE WHOLE GIGANTIC BOX OF HONEY STARS MUAHAHHA IDIOT!)
(Wah Lao eh, stupid 7-up makes me lao sai like siao)
9:07 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Today was a bad good day. (:First off,
Love you to bits.
For the whole of today's lessons, i just practically stoned in class. I was hearing, but wasnt listening. Sigh, just kept copying notes and stuff. LOL, then after the lesson before history was over, i urgently needed to go to the toilet. When i came back, i realised i was locked out. -_- i just kept pulling the door and was like... Err? Then Tiffanie came to the door, did something and then went back to her seat. I thought she unlocked it but no! Like wth? i was thinking: Oh, do i have to force it open by myself? So i kept pulling and pulling while everyone else in class were like laughing. I stopped pulling and waited. Uncle er...? Oh, i think Uncle Francis (the computer fixing dude) came and unlocked the door for me. (: Went in and everyone laughed even harder. (?!?!?!) In the end, it was cos the History teacher said whenever i needed to go to the toilet before Hist, i must wait for her and then get her permission then go... Wth man made me feel so embarrassed! i had my reasons for needing to rush to the toilet lor! Mhm, then after a few more lessons, school was over. During the last period, i suddenly thought about danceworks and butterflies were not only in my stomach, like everywhere throughout my body. I got damn nervous. ): Went down to the canteen to look for the other dancers. Freaked out cos the seniors were our "judges" and cried. ): Made Nat and Jo cry too (i think)... Then the Senior-Seniors came (the Sec 4s, those doing SYF) to our table and were like asking us if we were prepared and stuff. Then i felt like crying again. Then Marie came and was like "HELLO AUDITION-EES!" Then all of us started crying again. :'( We were all so freaked out, like if we didnt pass the audition, we would really have nothing else to do because SYF is also going on! Got hugs and encouragement from the seniors, felt better. (: (Lol feel so bad for making Marie feel guilty of making us cry) Stayed in the canteen awhile more and went to the dance studio. Did warm-ups, one round of hip-hop + cleaning up of steps then learnt the danceworks audition choreo. Lol i kept forgetting steps here and there, but in the end i managed to rmb all of them for the judging thingy. (: Yay, passed! Together with many of my good friends too. (: Yay, good job people! One thing im sad about is that Nat is in a different group from me (and Cait and Che and Bel and Jo). So shes alone. ): So poor thing! :'( wanna do danceworks with her! Sad... Cant have practices with her and laugh over dumb stuff. ): We will miss you Nat!So, today is a happy day. (:(P.S. I LOVE DANCE OMG!)
9:17 PM
Saturday, 10th
Today, went out with Caitz to shop for CNY clothes at Bugis. Stayed at Bugis street for at least 3 hours man! It was damn hot omg lol and i didnt even buy anything. ): except a top for yenniez. Oh, and i saw the pearl sandals Jie wanted, but didnt buy it, thought i should keep the money in case i saw something i liked. But, oh wells. Then, we went to FOX and Cait bought all her clothes there. (: (okay except for the skirt she bought at bugis street.) Since we had loads of time left, guess what we did! LOL WE WENT TO MRT AND TOTALLY JUST CAMWHORED THERE HAHA. Lol so many people were looking but nvm. (: oh then we were trying to take a pic of ourselves while on the escalator using the mirror thingy, like on the ceiling or smth. Then when we looked at the pic, it looked like an angry indian man!!! HAHA. He was like standing behind us haha. Wonder if he knew... Well then, enough of camwhoring, train-ed to Khatib. Cait followed so that she could share her church camp experience with me. (: It was cool.
Okay, gtg bathe, brb! :D
8:15 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
LOL NATALIE IS DAMN FUNNY.Natalie♥ says:omg i got sore throat Natalie♥ says:hahaI ♥ Kwon Ji Yong & Baby Tae says:HAHAI ♥ Kwon Ji Yong & Baby Tae says:I damn hungry.Natalie♥ says:cos i tried singing i kissed a girl which is damn highNatalie♥ says:hahaNatalie♥ says:wait no wrong songNatalie♥ says:hot and coldI ♥ Kwon Ji Yong & Baby Tae said:LOLI ♥ Kwon Ji Yong & Baby Tae said:LOLI ♥ Kwon Ji Yong & Baby Tae said:SORE THROATI ♥ Kwon Ji Yong & Baby Tae said:COS OF THAT HAHHAHANatalie♥ said:hahaNatalie♥ said:wdv lorlol lol omg, wth!
10:08 PM
Oh ya,
Happy 14th Birthday To:
love you guys (L)
6:00 PM
I bet Mrs Tan AL secretly wants to be 2/1's form teacher. During Science she was like, "You know girls, i thought i would be your form teacher you know," then the whole class was like, "YAAAAA!". Haha, shes so cute. Everyone was so excited for science lessons today (even Mrs Tan lor, when we werent at the lab she quickly went to look for us in class, but we werent there, then she came down to the lab and was like, "Aiya girls! How come when i was waiting at the lab yall were in class and when i went up to class to look for yall, yall werent there?!"). Hee. She said that she would have given us a prep talk during science then if we were her form class.
Had a talk with Caitlin about Sec 3 since Mrs Tan was telling us about streaming. Kinda worried about what class id be going to, but more worried about the company. Like, if my friends and I go to different classes, who do i start hanging out with and stuff? Cos i dont think my friends will come look for me during recess or anything if we get separated. Sigh. Although we're like together most of the time, i dont really feel like we're really good friends or wdv. Just there to make each other laugh, we dont even talk about stuff or anything. Bet they find me annoying.
3:20 PM
Sunday, January 4, 2009
i liked the first day of schoolSo, school started on the 2nd. Met Anabel, Nat, Rach and other peeps in the canteen before morning assembly. Felt good to see all of them again after, what, around 2 months? Yep, really missed them. Rach looked different with her not-screwed-up-anymore fringe. Chatted and laughed and stuff, then yeah went for assembly. The sec ones looked so cute with their sleeping bags and all (they had orientation camp)! Found our class, sat down with them and i felt really squished up, like, suddenly surrounded by so many people - cos you know in sec one, my class was sitting in the first row so it was kinda empty in front of us. Laughed at Anabel cos she was having some issues with her mountain of books, they kept falling lol. Laughed again during the national anthem because, i cant rmb why. (I think it was something to do with me getting high and trying to get to know the Sec 1 that was sitting in front of me) Oh, and i finally managed to see how Gillian looked like after she migrated to NZ and came back! Shes so pretty now, looks so different from how she was in P4. And her accent is like damn cool! WOWZA, feel like i speak damn horribly when i talk to her.
Filed back to class after assembly, Mrs Wong's is my new form teacher (the whole class thought it wouldve been Mrs Tan AL, but 1/1 got her instead) and she gave me chocolates cos i was the first girl to greet her in 2009! :D
OMG my class is like damn freaking hot despite the gazillion fans la. They dont let us on the air con. ): Had some sort of bonding time with Mrs Wong for like almost 4 periods and then we continued with lessons for the rest of the day. (Geog, Chinese and Math)
Geog was funny because Miss Soh had a hard time pronouncing our names.
Genevieve: Gen-e-vieve
Miss Soh: Gen-whaaat?
Genevieve Repeats slowly and Miss Soh repeats
Miss Soh: Oh, Gen-e-vee
(Class bursts out laughing)
Miss Soh: Do you like have a nickname? Can i call you Gen instead?
Haha, Miss Soh's funny, bet ill get like abs or something by the end of this year thanks to geog. Hee.
Gin Yin --> Gin Inn
Caitlin --> CATlin (cat cat cat)
Kaela --> KaeLAH
Jeanette --> Jean-ne-nette!
Went for assembly after math, introduced the new teachers and new HODs and stuff. Then after assembly, Mrs Wong came up to me and hooked arms with me. I got kind of shocked.
Mrs Wong: So, i heard your sister won Prom Queen?
Me: Oh, yeah she did.
Mrs Wong: Yes, she was very glamourous, she really carries off herself very well!
Me: Oh.
Mrs Wong: So arent you pressurized or anything?
Me: No... Not Really...
Mrs Wong: Why?! You must carry on this tradition!
Me: Ha Ha.
Mrs Wong: Hmm. You have another sister coming in right, this year?
Me: Yeah, in Sec 1.
Mrs Wong: So shes the last one la.
Me: Haha yeah.
Went to KFC with nic, bel, jo and nat after school. Had fun. Chatted, laughed real hard, and found out alot of stuff. Haha, it should be like a weekly thing. Or fortnightly. Or monthly. Love you guys!
Sheez, back to school again tomorrow, hope ill be able to sleep.
(Did i mention how late my recess is now?! Its like eleven plus, get damn hungry in class la. Then when its time for lunch im too full to eat. Zzz.)
2:39 AM
HAHAHA, funny convo with Jie about what blog url I should get:
6. (LOLLL)
13. (HAHAHA)
haha, omg made me laugh super hard!
2:21 AM